The Eastern Pacific remains calm in the vicinity of Southern Baja, though at this time there is a powerful Hurricane Hilda brewing far off to the west, present forecast has it passing to the north of the Hawaiian Islands. Locally the conditions have been very tropical, with occasional thundershowers over the mountainous regions, ocean swells have been light, currents have been strong, greenish water had pushed in after south winds from last week, though water clarity has showed improvement in recent days. This week the larger high stake tournament season kicked off with the East Cape Bisbee event, though overall crowds have been light as we move into the warmest period of the year and everyone is anxiously following weather reports for any development of tropical storms that might impact local interests.
Yellowfin tuna remain the main species being encountered by anglers, using sardinas for bait on the Iman Bank has been where the most consistent action is being encountered. Sardinas have been found schooling near the Puerto Los Cabos Marina Jetty’s, though these schools are not as plentiful as during the previous weeks, showing signs of impact from heavy pressure, since this has been the only area locally where these baitfish have been available. Some anglers are shopping for slabs of giant squid at local super markets as another option and this has been paying off. Average size for the yellowfin has been in the 10 to 50 lb. range, though the recent tournament did produce a couple of tuna in the 150 to 170 lb. class. Lots of charter boats have been congregating on the Iman Bank, coming from as far as the East Cape or Cabo Lucas, since this is where the best bite has been, heavy pressure has meant that the fish have become more finicky and anglers were finding better success while using lighter leaders, though that can be a problem when hooking into larger fish. No huge numbers of fish now, though most charter are catching fish and many have been accounting for tuna in the 50 lb. class.
Still no dorado being reported, only an occasional wahoo and the billfish bite has been scattered, with more blue marlin in the 100 to 200 lb. class being found, a few black marlin as well, as well as some sailfish and striped marlin. Last week a 553 lb. blue marlin was weighed in, caught on a private boat on the Pacific Finger Bank, a bit out of range for normal day charters.
Off the bottom there have been a mix of pargo, occasional amberjack, triggerfish, bonito, white tuna, cabrilla, dogtooth snapper and even a handful of larger sized roosterfish, which seem to like hanging out in the deeper water where they are finding a variety of natural baitfish congregating, this has been a trend in recent years. Anglers hooking into heavy fish over the deeper structure, only to find out they have a big 40 to 60 lb. roosterfish instead of an amberjack or grouper.
Not much inshore action at this time of year, action is centered over the offshore grounds, this is where all of the bolito, skipjack and other food sources are congregated.
The combined panga fleets launching out of La Playita, Puerto Los Cabos Marina sent out approximately 60 charters for the week, with anglers reporting a fish count of: 3 blue marlin, 1 black marlin, 9 sailfish, 6 striped marlin, 6 wahoo, 205 yellowfin tuna, 5 dogtooth snapper, 6 amberjack, 14 cabrilla, 19 white skipjack tuna, 3 roosterfish and 28 mixed pargo species.
Good fishing, Eric
Eric Brictson / Operator
619 488-1859
Los Cabos (624) 142-1147