This past week we saw a late season storm develop off the coast of mainland Mexico, Hurricane Vance reached category two strength as it veered on a somewhat unpredictable path towards southern Baja, by Monday afternoon we saw some light rain squalls as this system encountered strong upper shear, causing rapid weakening and a more southern and easterly track. Tuesday was stormy, very few charters launched and most which did wish they had not. The region saw scattered showers and wind gusts to about 40 mph. By Tuesday morning the storm had downgraded to a depression over areas south of Mazatlán. Local fleets were back in action Tuesday with very pleasant conditions.
Bait supplies saw more heavy pressure during the days building towards the WON Tuna Jackpot event help on Thursday and Friday. Limited amounts of sardinas, some ballyhoo and caballito. On the fishing grounds anglers were catching and using skipjack and chihuil for whole and cut baits.
The action was hit or miss all week, no big numbers of any particular species, though some nice fish were being accounted for. Catches including black and blue marlin, dorado, wahoo, skipjack and yellowfin tuna. The majority of this action was found from the Gordo Banks to the Iman Bank. Wahoo were hanging around the high spots from La Fortuna to Iman, striking on both trolling baits and lures, as well as yo-yo jigs, weights ranged to over 40 pounds. We are also now passing through the full moon phase, which we know can through off feeding patterns some. Dorado were more common on the Pacific grounds, only scattered action found in the direction of San Jose del Cabo. A handful of dorado in the 10 to 20 pound class.
Yellowfin tuna were striking on the Gordo Banks and Iman. Sizes ranging from footballs to nearly 300 pounds have been in the area. No large numbers though, all these fish are striking various baits, either by slow trolling or drift fishing, most common sizes of tuna were 15 to 50 pounds, but there are a handful of cows being accounted for throughout the week, coming from the Outer Gordo Bank. Many more skipjack than tuna were being hooked into. The super panga “Hooker” accounted for a 245 lb. yellowfin early in the week, anglers Barry Mendelson and Rick Apple, visiting from Malibu, Ca., landed this cow with skipper Tony Miranda.
Not much bottom activity being found recently, mostly just surface action. A few nice blue and black marlin were also hooked into from these same fishing grounds, one black estimated near 500 lb. was lost after a couple of hours, other marlin to over 300 lb. were landed. Weather has been breezy since the passing of Vance, mornings are also cooler now, so anglers should dress accordingly. We hope that bait supplies do rebound some, now that Tournament season is winding down.
The combined panga fleets launching out of La Playita, Puerto Los Cabos Marina sent out approximately 66 charters for the week, with anglers reporting a fish count of: 1 blue marlin, 3 black marlin, 1 striped marlin, 33 wahoo, 68 yellowfin tuna, 19 dorado, 24 bonito, 300 skipjack, 10 cabrilla, 15 rainbow runner, 12 sierra, 8 jack crevalle and 18 triggerfish.
Good fishing, Eric
Eric Brictson / Operator
619 488-1859
Los Cabos (624) 142-1147