Liga Mac Los Cabos

As the 2014 holiday season fast approaches, there’s still time to plan a visit to the Los Cabos area during this festive time of year. Blanquito NavidadThe Los Cabos Vacation Rentals staff would be thrilled to assist you in finding the ideal vacation condominium or villa for your Christmastime trip. There are a variety of fun, family friendly happenings in both San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas during the months of November and December.

Among these is a particularly charitable event sponsored by Liga MAC, an organization that works with underprivileged children in the Los Cabos region. Throughout the first week of December, the Shoppes at Palmilla and Liga MAC team-up to encourage residents and tourists alike to get into the spirit of giving. To kick-off the holidays, they host a Christmas Fiesta that is beloved by dozens and dozens of families. If you are planning to be in Cabo San Lucas or San Jose del Cabo this December, you cannot miss this fun and festive occasion!

If you’ve never attended the Liga MAC Christmas Fiesta before, you should be aware of the fact that admission is an unwrapped, non-electronic toy that would be appropriate for a child between the ages of 1-12. Your charitable donation will serve to brighten a low income child’s Christmas. During the Christmas Fiesta, you’ll enjoy fine wine, a variety of soft drinks, and carols sung by Liga MAC’s ACE student choir, as well as other local musicians and bands. The Shoppes at Palmilla also provide raffle prizes and a fun sidewalk style show for attendees to enjoy.

If you think the Christmas Fiesta at the Shoppes at Palmilla sounds like the perfect way to start your 2015 holiday season, schedule your trip to Los Cabos today. Simply contact the Los Cabos Villas office if you would like help planning your December getaway! We look forward to helping you kick-off your Christmas season in the most magical of ways. For More Info

Los Cabos Fishing Report – Come to Cabo!

October 23, 2014   188_Bob_287Tuna

We are now finally officially back in operation, as today we were connected once again to phone and Internet services. The long absence of not making ant updates was all because we had no connection. We are now back operating fishing charters based out of the same panga area as before Hurricane Odile made a mess out of our marina basin. Work conditions are a bit rough, but we are making due and progress has been remarkable, as everyone is putting in extra efforts in this rebuilding phase. Limited numbers of charters have been departing, as flights from the U.S. have just resumed. Local infrastructure is making rapid advancements. Grocery stores are stocked, gasoline and diesel readily available, highways open, traffic signals working, Resorts are rebuilding, many have reopened already and most will be by the New Year.

Ocean conditions have been great, calm though most of the day. Mornings are now a little chilly, days are still warm and sunshine is intense, not many clouds in the sky. Perfect climate now, crowds are just returning now, great time to come visit and help support the local economy as they face this major rebuilding stage.

Live sardinas have been abundant around the marina channel area and the fishing grounds are holding large schools of skipjack and chihuil. Most action was taking place from the Gordo Banks to the Iman Bank towards the north. Catches were very impressive, wide variety of gamefish now on the grounds, on any given day anything could happen. Catches have included wahoo, dorado, yellowfin tuna, striped, blue & black marlin, as well as sailfish. Off the bottom structure there has been a chance at grouper or dogtooth snapper, no big numbers, but quality specimens.

Wahoo went on a good bite near Iman and La Fortuna, striking trolled chihuil, as well the normal array of lures. Several charters accounted for up to three wahoo, average weights were in the 20 to 40 pound range. Dorado were also found in smaller sized schools, in recent days some nicer sized bulls up to 30 pounds were accounted for on the offshore grounds.

Most of the yellowfin tuna found recently ranged in the 20 to 60 pound class. The action had been hit or miss, drift fishing various baits over the Gordo Banks and north towards Iman Bank, some days early, some days the fish would hit late, hard to predict. Today a cow yellowfin tuna was weighed in at La Playita, it was landed by Bob Deeter of Fort Brag, Ca., Fishing aboard his private 29 ft. Center Console “Reina de Wahoo”. The tuna hit on a trolled live skipjack on the Outer Gordo Bank, using 300 pound leader the crew took a couple of hours to land the cow and it weighed in officially at 278 pounds.

Good Fishing, Eric


Eric Brictson / Operator

619 488-1859

Los Cabos (624) 142-1147


Come to Cabo for Fun in the Sun!

Bisbees Black and Blue Marlin Tournament Starts Wednesday October 22-25 Lands End


Forget Who You Are and Be Who You Want to Be!


Bisbees World Famous Marlin Tournaments Start Now October 18-25

Bisbees World Famous Los Cabos Offshore Tournament starts tomorrow Saturday October 18, The Black and Blue Marlin Tournament starts Tuesday October 22-25 Los Cabos Real Estate Los Cabos Info Guide


Los Cabos Tuna Jackpot – November 5-8

Los Cabos is one of the world’s top destinations for people who love to fish. Now that autumn has arrived, fishing tournament cabo_poster_2014season is in full swing and there’s still plenty of time to register for some of the best upcoming contests. On November 5-8, 2014, the Los Cabos Tuna Jackpot will be held. This tournament is ideal for people who love fishing, partying, and prizes!

The Tuna Jackpot’s motto is “Fish Hard, Party Harder,” and you’ll definitely have time to do both if you register for this tournament. Throughout the course of the weekend, participants will have the chance to attend three exclusive parties and to qualify for $150,000 in prizes and $570,000 in cash winnings. You simply can’t beat the Tuna Jackpot for a good time in Cabo!
If you think the Tuna Jackpot sounds like the perfect event for you and your fishing team, check out for all of the information you need. You’ll find a downloadable entry form, a list of the tournament’s rules, and information about all of the swag you’ll receive just for showing-up at the welcome party on November 5. Cha ching!

For more info check

We at Los Cabos Villas would love to help you find the ideal property to stay in during the Tuna Jackpot. Contact us to discuss your party’s needs and we will start searching for a Los Cabos villa or condominium for you immediately. Even though the Los Cabos Tuna Jackpot is fast approaching, there’s still plenty of time to book one of our incredible Cabo vacation rentals for your stay. We are excited to work with you!

November is an amazing time to visit the Los Cabos region. In addition to the fishing tournament itself, you can extend your stay in order to enjoy golfing, basking in the sun, and other outdoor activities. The Los Cabos Villas staff can assist you in planning your entire vacation, from making reservations at Cabo’s best restaurants to reserving trips on deep sea fishing vessels. Book your Cabo vacation home today for a trip you’ll never forget.

Los Cabos Airport is Open!

The opening of the airport is a full five days before the promised date of October 8th and comes as welcome news to the vital tourist industry of the town.

The early opening is a huge endorsement of the efforts of Sr. Martin Zazueta and the team at  AEROPUERTOS GAP Los Cabos.

The first flight will be an Aeromexico flight from Mexico City.

The various international airlines operating out of Los Cabos have each issued recent official statements (shown below) however this very welcome news may well push these target dates forward.

There are a lot of folks out there waiting desperately to get back home or to come down here and have the vacation of their life.

airport after odilecabo airport opens

This shot above is after clean up!



The shot on the far side is right after Odile hit.

Come to Cabo for Fun in the Sun!

Hurricane Odile Update – October 1, 2014

Is your Glass Half Full or Half Empty? Lands End

Well after 2 weeks + of One of the Worst Rollercoaster Rides in my Life there is Lots of Light at the End of the Tunnel.

Many see this devil storm as an opportunity for work, great real estate deals and a great reason to Come to Cabo for Fun in the Sun! I have received several e mails for Los Cabos Real Estate and many for Los Cabos Vacation Rentals as well.

Here is what’s Happening in Los Cabos, Mexico as of October 1, 2014 and many of these things were in place a week ago.

  1. The airport is scheduled to open October 8 and Alaska Airlines should be flying in then
  2. Cruise Ships return October 3
  3. Mega, Walmart, Soriano, City Club Supermarkets Are Open
  4. Electricity Restored in San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas in several Areas
  5. Gas Stations Open with little or no lines
  6. Banks Open – Banamex, Ban Norte
  7. Squid Roe, Mango Deck, is Open
  8. Water supply from City is running
  9. Trash Service Restored
  10. Major Clean up with tractors and dump trucks clearing streets
  11. Purified water stores open
  12. Bisbee’s Black and Blue Marlin Tournament is Scheduled as Planned
  13. How Depot is open 9-26
  14. Mango Deck is Open
  15. Los Cabos Open Golf Tournament is still scheduled for October 16-18 at this time
  16. Come to Cabo for Fun in the Sun!

For more info we will try to keep our Face Book pages updated @

Odile Update – Courtesy of Gringo Gazette

September 26, 2014

The Tourism Secretariat (Sectur) said today that all hotels in Baja California Sur should be fully operational in the second half of November. In the area overseen by Fonatur, the tourism development fund, 55 of the 59 hotels sustained varying degrees of damage, with 5,474 rooms having been affected. The remaining 4,312 are ready for guests.

Twenty-five of the damaged hotels will resume normal operations in the first half of October and four more in the second half. Tourism Secretary Claudia Ruiz Massieu said one of the principal objectives right now in the state is to be in a condition to receive international visitors by the middle of next month.

Temporary employment is being offered to many residents of Los Cabos through clean-up work, said Ruiz Massieu. She also reported that power has been restored to nearly 100% of the nothern part of the state, 80% in Los Cabos, 98% in La Paz, 70% in Mulegé, 75% in Comondú and 95% in Loreto.

More than 70% of the states gas stations are back in operation, said the minister during an interview with El Universal, moments before the arrival in Cabo yesterday of President Peña Nieto to review progress. He arrived here on his white stallion, OK, white helicopter, and met with local officials as well as others, at the Solmar. It was his third trip here since the storm.

The Los Cabos airport will reopen to commercial traffic October 8, promised the Communications and Transportation Secretariat on Tuesday, after it sustained severe damages.

Insurance companies have been busy in Los Cabos this week, dealing with the damage claims. The Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS) reports that 2,330 claims have been made as of today for damages totaling 3 billion pesos.

However, paying the claims is one thing; getting the repairs done is another, as demand is high for labor and supplies, said AMIS director Recaredo Arias Jiménez.
We still have about 8,000 federal security forces are still here.

Hurricane Odile Saga – Tuesday – September 23, 2014

Hurricane Odile Saga – Tuesday – September 23, 2014    DSCN3127


  1. Mega and Walmart Supermarkets Are Open
  2. Electricity Restored in San Jose del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas in several Areas
  3. Gas Stations Open with little or no lines
  4. Banks Opening
  5. Squid Roe is Open
  6. Water supply from City is running
  7. Trash Service Restored
  8. Major Clean up with tractors and dump trucks clearing streets
  9. Purified water stores open
  10. Bisbee’s Black and Blue Marlin Tournament is Scheduled as Planned


Hurricane Odile Update – September 22 – 7 AM Cabo Time

Hurricane Odile Saga – September 22, 2014DSCN2920

Well a week ago this AM I was recovering from one of scariest nights in my life. Karla and I, our 6 cats and Maya our dog had just gone through the worst hurricane in my 30 years of living here. El Diablo Odile spit out 100-165 MPH winds that shook the 100 tons of cement, steel and rock structure that I built and we live in like a freight train going 100 MPH down to the Gates of Hell and back.

The Good News is that thanks to the Federal Government and CFE, electricity and city water supply has been restored to many parts of San Jose and Cabo San Lucas and we are all moving forward to repair the damages caused by hurricane Odile. Let us not forget the Army, Marines and Policia which helped stabilize any crime that could occur from lack of enforcement.

Apparently Walmart and Mega are already opened for a limited time but we will plan to check this later today.

There are reports that the airport may open in a few days but there have been planes and helicopters fly in and out through this whole event.

I hope when they say “What does not kill you makes you stronger” is true.

For more info we will try to keep our Face Book pages updated @